Extract founder allele effects at a single marker from output of qtl2::scan1coef

get_effects(marker_index, allele_effects_matrix, map, columns = 1:8)



an integer indicating where in the `map` object the peak position (or position of interest) is located


output of `qtl2::scan1coef` for a single chromosome


a map object for the chromosome of interest


which columns to choose within the `allele_effects_matrix`. Default is 1:8 to reflect 8 founder alleles of Diversity Outbred mice


a vector of 8 founder allele effects at a single marker

a vector of founder allele effects at a single marker


# set up allele effects matrix ae <- matrix(dat = rnorm(100 * 8), ncol = 8, nrow = 100) ae[, 8] <- - rowSums(ae[, 1:7]) colnames(ae) <- LETTERS[1:8] rownames(ae) <- paste0(1, "_", 1:100) # set up map map <- 1:100 names(map) <- rownames(ae) # call get_effects get_effects(marker_index = 15, allele_effects_matrix = ae, map = map)
#> A B C D E F #> 1.40426569 1.01635979 -0.33658898 -0.58955641 0.05817145 -1.32739903 #> G H #> 1.71047207 -1.93572458