qtl2pleio Unreleased

Major changes

  • added inst/CITATION file
  • aligned ordering and names of arguments for both boot_pvl and scan_pvl
  • added examples for boot_pvl
  • added literature references to both boot_pvl and scan_pvl

Bug fixes

  • corrected typo in vignette

qtl2pleio Unreleased

Major changes

  • added a vignette for HTCondor & bootstrap analysis
  • updated README.Rmd and README.md (per suggestions & PR of @kbroman)

qtl2pleio Unreleased

Major changes

  • changed default behavior of plot_pvl to not indicate univariate peak positions.
  • fixed CITATION file to tell users to cite Biorxiv preprint (following CITATION file format of rqtl/qtl2)

Minor changes

  • Removed hex logo file from repo and deleted it from README
  • revised paper.md in preparation for JOSS submission

Bug fixes

  • Re-created profile LOD plots for vignettes and README without indicating univariate peak positions.

  • Added line type arguments to plot_pvl.

qtl2pleio Unreleased

Major changes

  • added function convert_to_scan1_output to convert multivariate, one-QTL lods to output format of qtl2::scan1, for use in qtl2::bayes_int.

Minor changes

  • None

qtl2pleio Unreleased

Major changes

  • None

Minor changes

  • Started using Github Actions for continuous integration testing.