

5 January 2020

I have now completed ImprovBoston’s Improv Comedy 101 class. I’m happy to share the video of my class’s show from December 2019. You can view it here.

(Last modified: 2020-02-08 12:40:41)


22 December 2018

I’ve followed a series of blog posts from Cal Newport at (with posts like this) in which Newport criticizes social media platforms for, among other things, limiting the scope of internet browsing. Newport, a computer science professor and writer, proudly has never had a social media account. Until March 2018, I regularly consumed information from Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram and Linkedin. Termination of these accounts aligned with my larger professional and scholarly goals of wanting to focus more on my studies and other, engaging, activities.

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24 November 2018

Overview I’ve been developing the R package qtl2pleio. It’s now at a stage where others can use it. I recently found the R package pkgdown, which allows developers to build, in an automated fashion, websites for their packages. I posted an entry on pkgdown earlier this year. I now wish to communicate my strategy for incorporating the package site into my personal website, I write this primarily as a reminder to myself.

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1 April 2018

I like to use Travis CI with my R packages. I recently wrote a R package, limmbo2, that is a wrapper for the python module limmbo. I used the R package reticulate, from Rstudio. I struggled for about 3 hours to write a .travis.yml file for limmbo2. Finally, I found a viable solution. I’m writing this blog post in hopes that it might be useful to myself and others in the future.

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30 March 2018

I have posted to Github the R package limmbo2. limmbo2 is a R wrapper to the freely available python module limmbo. I mention my interest in limmbo in an earlier blog post, so I won’t repeat it here.